Roman Freud
Roman is a graduate of the prestigious Schukin Theater School in Moscow. He directed and performed in Shakespeare’s Hamlet/Claudius, Twelfth Night/Orsino, Salinger’s Franny/Lane, and other plays. Roman worked at the Moscow Jewish Chamber Musical Theater as a musical actor and throughout his six years there starred in all of the company’s productions. Tango of Life, Lomir Ale Ineynem, and Fiddler on the Roof are among them. As a company member, Mr. Freud toured and performed in New York, Melbourne, Milan, Rome, Budapest, and dozens of cities in the former Soviet Union. Mr. Freud moved to the United States in 1991.
His New York stage credits include Russian and English versions of Enemy, Love Story by I.B. Singer/Herman Broder (Steps Theater), Unhappy Happiness by Chekov’s Lady with a Dog/Gurov (Steps Theater), No Day, No Month, No Year by Gogol’s Dairy of a Madman/Medgy (Steps Theater), Vasily and Federico/multiple parts (Steps Theater). Three Sisters/Vershinin (Russian Arts Theater and Studio), Devil’s come to Moscow by Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita/Woland (Russian Arts Theater and Studio), Lady with a lapdog and other stories by A. Chekov/multiple characters (Russian Arts Theater and Studio), Passions by Mikhail/Ivan Vasilievich (Steps Theater), Singing Windmills/Zuskin (PM Theater), Green Carriage/Santa (Nota Bene Theater), The Unexpected Man/Paul (Steps Theater), Aleksey Aleksandrovich (Karenin), Asteroid B-612 (Dominic).
Mr. Freud has been writing film and theatrical scripts in English and Russian since 2004. Of those, four plays were recently produced in New York - Ask Joseph, Singing Windmills, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, and Asteroid B-612.